Freshmen and sophomores are encouraged to take one of the 100 level introductory seminars, L90 209B African Studies Introduction, or L90 208B African American Studies Introduction before taking a 300 or 400 level course. The MAJOR AND MINOR require that students take both L90 209B and L90 208B. The MAJOR also requires that students take the senior seminar L90 401. Courses numbered 300 and 400 are the regular offerings of the program and are designed for advanced sophomores and all students with junior standing and above. Students must take 6 of these courses for the MAJOR and 4 of the courses for the MINOR.
**Departmental Section/Faculty list for research projects and independent studies:
01 Early
02 Phillips
03 Mutonya
04 Parsons
05 Zafar
06 Duncan
07 TBA
08 Other
09 Thompson (Joseph D.)
10 Parikh
11 TBA
12 Baugh
13 Himes