DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES: The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures sponsors two year-abroad programs in France. In order to participate in the junior year abroad in Toulouse, France, STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE FRENCH 318D AND EITHER FRENCH 325C OR FRENCH 326C. (French 307D is a prerequisite for French 318D; for students participating in a junior year abroad program, French 318D replaces French 308D.) In order to participate in the Internship in European Business Program, offered in conjunction with the Ecole Europeenne des Affaires, STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE FRENCH 307D AND, in place of French 308D, FRENCH 310 (for which French 307D is a prerequisite), Economics 103B and 104B, Accounting 261, and they are strongly urged to take at least one semester of French Conversation (French 215, French 216) and French 311C. In addition to the Department's own programs in Toulouse and in Paris (IEB), the Department grants credits only from a limited number of institutions (see Study Abroad for list). CREDIT FROM APPROVED PROGRAMS IS AWARDED ONLY IF THE STUDENT COMPLETES FRENCH 308D PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE STAY ABROAD AND IF HE OR SHE COMPLETES EITHER FRENCH 325C OR FRENCH 326C IN RESIDENCE AT WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, PREFERABLY PRIOR TO STARTING THE PROGRAM ABROAD. Unless otherwise indicated, classes are conducted in French. Courses taught in English do not count for the major or minor. Both 400-level literature courses required for the major must be taken at Washington University. The 500-level courses are open only to graduate students.