DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES: If a course is to be considered for the Psychological and Brain Sciences major or minor, then it must be registered under the Psychological and Brain Sciences Department number (i.e., L33). For example, if you enroll in a cross-listed class, it might be counted toward the major or minor, but only if registered as L33.
No undergraduate student will be admitted to any graduate psychology course (Psychology 501 and above) without the written permission of the instructor. A departmental permission slip will be required. This form can be obtained in the Psychology Building, Room 207B.
Some courses may have a requirement for research participation.
Departmental Section/Faculty list for research projects and independent studies:
03 TBA XXX Dobbins
04 TBA XXX Rice
05 TBA XXX Green
06 TBA XXX Lai
07 TBA XXX Markson
08 TBA XXX Jackson
09 TBA XXX Bogdan
10 TBA XXX Roediger
11 TBA XXX White
12 TBA XXX Balota
13 TBA XXX McDermott
14 TBA XXX Braver
15 TBA XXX Lawton
16 TBA XXX Peelle
17 TBA XXX Treiman
18 TBA XXX English
19 TBA XXX Strube
20 TBA XXX Bugg
21 TBA XXX Sommers
22 TBA XXX Barch
23 TBA XXX Larsen
24 TBA XXX Undergraduate Director
25 TBA XXX Hale
26 TBA XXX Myerson
27 TBA XXX Hill
28 TBA XXX Zacks
29 TBA XXX Van Engen
30 TBA XXX Abrams
31 TBA XXX Duchek
32 TBA XXX Oltmanns
33 TBA XXX Carpenter
34 TBA XXX Petersen
35 TBA XXX Wilkins
36 TBA XXX Lambert
37 TBA XXX Wilfley
38 TBA XXX McDaniel
39 TBA XXX Thompson
40 TBA XXX Head
41 TBA XXX Baugh
42 TBA XXX Rodebaugh
43 TBA XXX Graduate Director
44 TBA XXX Bono
45 TBA XXX Boyer
46 TBA XXX Kool