You can register for private lessons, group instruction, and ensembles via WebSTAC. Please see the Department of Music website ( for full instructions, including course numbers. Note that credit unit options have changed:
1.0 hour lessons = 2.0 units
0.5 hour lessons = 1.0 units
Fees for private lessons are $360 for 14 weekly, half-hour lessons and $720 for 14 weekly, one-hour lessons. Please see department website for fees, scholarship and refund policy.
The fee for small ensembles (Flute Choir, Jazz Combos, Chamber Ensembles) is $200 for 14 weekly coaching sessions.
A lab fee of $150 will be assessed for students who take group instruction in piano, guitar, or voice.
Music majors receive a full rebate of fees for private lessons, small ensembles, and group instruction. Music minors and non-minors concurrently enrolled in one of our large ensembles (Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, Concert Choir, Chamber Choir) receive a partial rebate of $100 for private lessons only. Need-based scholarship awards are available for those receiving financial assistance.
Note: Only University College students may register for applied music under the U24 prefix. Day students must register under the L27 prefix.
Music Courses
**Departmental Section/Faculty list for research, projects, and independent studies:
01 Armistead
02 Stefaniak
04 Bokulich
05 Decker
07 Steinbeck
09 Stark
12 Pesce
14 Snarrenberg
16 Lenihan
17 Aldrich
18 Duane
19 Burke
20 Gill
99 Staff