WUSTL Course Listings MUSIC (L27)
Arts and Sciences  (Policies)
You can register for private lessons, group instruction, and ensembles via WebSTAC. Please see the Department of Music website (music.wustl.edu) for full instructions, including course numbers. Note that credit unit options have changed:

1.0 hour lessons = 2.0 units
0.5 hour lessons = 1.0 units

Fees for private lessons are $360 for 14 weekly, half-hour lessons and $720 for 14 weekly, one-hour lessons. Please see department website for fees, scholarship and refund policy.

The fee for small ensembles (Flute Choir, Jazz Combos, Chamber Ensembles) is $200 for 14 weekly coaching sessions.

A lab fee of $150 will be assessed for students who take group instruction in piano, guitar, or voice.

Music majors receive a full rebate of fees for private lessons, small ensembles, and group instruction. Music minors and non-minors concurrently enrolled in one of our large ensembles (Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, Concert Choir, Chamber Choir) receive a partial rebate of $100 for private lessons only. Need-based scholarship awards are available for those receiving financial assistance.

Note: Only University College students may register for applied music under the U24 prefix. Day students must register under the L27 prefix.

Music Courses

**Departmental Section/Faculty list for research, projects, and independent studies:
01 Armistead
02 Stefaniak
04 Carlin, S.
05 Decker
06 New Faculty Member
07 Steinbeck
09 Stark
12 Pesce
14 Snarrenberg
16 Lenihan
17 Aldrich
18 Duane
19 Burke
20 Gill
99 Staff