WUSTL Course Listings HISTORY (L22)
Arts and Sciences  (Policies)
DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES: Courses numbered above 300 are designed for all students with sophomore standing and above. Freshmen and those with other preparation should seek permission of the instructor. Courses above 400 are designed for students with prior coursework in history. They presume familiarity with historical methods and are open to graduate students. Most courses numbered 4800-4999 are designated as advanced seminars and satisfy the capstone experience requirement. Courses numbered above 500 are intended only for graduate students, and in all cases require permission of the instructor in order to enroll.

** Departmental Section/Faculty list for research projects and independent studies:

04 TBA XXX Johnson
05 TBA XXX Bivar
06 TBA XXX Watt
07 TBA XXX Bernstein
10 TBA XXX Kastor
14 TBA XXX Borgwardt
15 TBA XXX Ludmerer
16 TBA XXX Dube
19 TBA XXX Kieval
20 TBA XXX Friedman, A
21 TBA XXX Miles
23 TBA XXX Knapp
25 TBA XXX Adcock
26 TBA XXX Chandra
30 TBA XXX Pegg
31 TBA XXX Parsons
32 TBA XXX Bornstein
33 TBA XXX Reynolds
34 TBA XXX Montano
36 TBA XXX Mustakeem
37 TBA XXX Walke
38 TBA XXX Garb
39 TBA XXX Bedasse
40 TBA XXX Flowe
41 TBA XXX Ramos
45 TBA XXX Treitel