Arts and Sciences  (Policies)
An English Major is required to take E Lit 215 (Intro to Literary Study)
and either 211 (Chief English Writers) or E Lit 257 (Art of Poetry). A
third course taken from this group or from E Lit 241 or 242, or their Text and
Tradition equivalents, may be counted toward the 24 units of upper-division
credit required of English Majors. On the 200 level, English Minors are required to take any two of the following: E Lit 211, 241, 215 or 257. Students with writing problems or with little experience in writing are advised to satisfy the first year writing requirement (L13 100, Writing I) before enrolling in one of these courses.

NOTE: 500-level seminars are available to graduate students only.

**Departmental Section/Faculty list for research projects and independent studies:

01 Bailin
03 Bang
05 Batten
07 Brown
09 Davis
11 Early
13 Fields
15 Finneran
17 Grausam
19 Johnston
21 Klimasewiski
23 Lawton
25 Loewenstein
27 Mackay
28 Maxwell
29 McKelvy
31 Meyer
33 Milder
35 Parvulescu
37 Pawl
39 Phillips
41 Pollak
43 Rivett
45 Rosenfeld
47 Ruland
49 Schmidgen
51 Shea
53 Sherry
55 Thompson
57 Walker
63 Zafar
65 Zwicker