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45 courses found.
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING & MATERIALS SCIENCE (E37)  (Dept. Info)Engineering and Applied Science  (Policies)FL2021

E37 MEMS 1001Machine Shop Practicum1.0 Unit
SecDays       TimeBuilding / RoomInstructorFinal ExamSeatsEnrollWaits
01M------9:00A-11:20AUrbauer / 112 TapellaNo final12120
Desc:Waitlist to register for this section. First year students will be given priority. Assignments require students to use machines on campus to make parts. This course will follow all University and CDC guidelines to keep students safe amid COVID-19. Students who are not comfortable participating in person due to COVID-19 should consider registering in a subsequent semester.
02M------1:00P-3:20PUrbauer / 112 PfingstenNo final12120
Desc:This section will give priority to mechanical engineering seniors. Join the waitlist to register. Assignments require students to use machines on campus to make parts. This course will follow all University and CDC guidelines to keep students safe amid COVID-19. Students who are not comfortable participating in person due to COVID-19 should consider registering in a subsequent semester.
03-T-----9:00A-11:20AUrbauer / 112 TapellaNo final12110
Desc:Waitlist to register for this section. First year students will be given priority. Assignments require students to use machines on campus to make parts. This course will follow all University and CDC guidelines to keep students safe amid COVID-19. Students who are not comfortable participating in person due to COVID-19 should consider registering in a subsequent semester.
04--W----9:00A-11:20AUrbauer / 112 TapellaNo final12120
Desc:Waitlist to register for this section. First year students will be given priority. Assignments require students to use machines on campus to make parts. This course will follow all University and CDC guidelines to keep students safe amid COVID-19. Students who are not comfortable participating in person due to COVID-19 should consider registering in a subsequent semester.
05---R---9:00A-11:20AUrbauer / 112 TapellaNo final12120
Desc:Waitlist to register for this section. Assignments require students to use machines on campus to make parts. This course will follow all University and CDC guidelines to keep students safe amid COVID-19. Students who are not comfortable participating in person due to COVID-19 should consider registering in a subsequent semester.
06---R---1:00P-3:20PUrbauer / 112 PfingstenNo final12120
Desc:This section will give priority to mechanical engineering seniors. Join the waitlist to register. Assignments require students to use machines on campus to make parts. This course will follow all University and CDC guidelines to keep students safe amid COVID-19. Students who are not comfortable participating in person due to COVID-19 should consider registering in a subsequent semester.

E37 MEMS 101Introduction to Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Design2.0 Units
SecDays       TimeBuilding / RoomInstructorFinal ExamSeatsEnrollWaits
01-T-R---10:00A-11:20AJubel / 138 KrampfNo final12120
Desc:Wait list to register for this section. First year mechanical engineering majors will be given priority.
Syllabi are provided to students to support their course planning; refer to the syllabus for constraints on use.
02-T-R---1:00P-2:20PJubel / 138 KrampfNo final12120
Desc:Wait list to register for this section. First year mechanical engineering majors will be given priority.
Syllabi are provided to students to support their course planning; refer to the syllabus for constraints on use.
03-T-R---2:30P-3:50PJubel / 138 KrampfNo final12120
Desc:Wait list to register for this section. First year mechanical engineering majors will be given priority.
Syllabi are provided to students to support their course planning; refer to the syllabus for constraints on use.

E37 MEMS 202Computer-Aided Design2.0 Units
SecDays       TimeBuilding / RoomInstructorFinal ExamSeatsEnrollWaits
01-T-R---8:30A-9:50AWhitaker / 130 KrampfNo final36300
Desc:Priority will be given to first year students in section 1; however, any student can be placed on the waitlist for this section.
02M-W----1:00P-2:20PWhitaker / 130 WoodhamsNo final36340
Desc:Priority will be given to dual degree students in section 2; however, any student can be placed on the waitlist for this section.
03M-W----2:30P-3:50PWhitaker / 130 WoodhamsNo final36340
Desc:Priority will be given to first year and dual degree students in section 3; however, any student can be placed on the waitlist for this section.

E37 MEMS 400Independent StudyVar. Units (max = 3.0)
SecDays       TimeBuilding / RoomInstructorFinal ExamSeatsEnrollWaits
01TBATBA[TBA]Default - none000
03TBATBAAxelbaumDefault - none000
04TBATBASingamaneniDefault - none000
05TBATBAPotterDefault - none000
06TBATBAMishraDefault - none000
07TBATBAAgonaferDefault - none110
09TBATBAAgarwalDefault - none230
10TBATBABaylyDefault - none110
11TBATBAFloresDefault - none000
12TBATBARenieriDefault - none000
13TBATBAKeltonDefault - none000
14TBATBAWeisenseeDefault - none110
15TBATBAPetersDefault - none110
16TBATBAWoodhamsDefault - none000
17TBATBASastryDefault - none000
18TBATBABaiDefault - none000
19TBATBABoydDefault - none000
20TBATBALakeDefault - none440
21TBATBAPathakDefault - none000
22TBATBAJakielaDefault - none000
23TBATBAGeninDefault - none000
24TBATBABrandonDefault - none000
25TBATBAWagenseilDefault - none110
26TBATBABersiDefault - none000
27TBATBASellersDefault - none000
28TBATBAOkamotoDefault - none000
29TBATBAD'ArcyDefault - none000
30TBATBAElsonDefault - none000
31TBATBATangDefault - none000
32TBATBATangDefault - none000
33TBATBAWilliamsDefault - none000
34TBATBAMeachamDefault - none330
35TBATBAKarunamoorthyDefault - none000
36TBATBAYinDefault - none000
37TBATBAHarrisDefault - none000
38TBATBAChenDefault - none000
39TBATBAZayedNo final000
40TBATBAThimsenNo final000
41TBATBAYangNo final000
43TBATBAGuilakNo final000
44TBATBAVaheyNo final000
45TBATBAGuanNo final000
46TBATBAHuebschNo final000

E37 MEMS 4050Vibrations Lab1.0 UnitLab Required
SecDays       TimeBuilding / RoomInstructorFinal ExamSeatsEnrollWaits
01M------12:00P-12:50PMcMillan / G052 Bayly, AsinugoDec 22 2021 10:30AM - 12:30PM100970
Desc:Course requires an in-person component. Distribution of class time between in-person, remote synchronous, and remote asynchronous components to be determined.
AM------2:00P-3:50PJolley / 111 AsinugoDefault - none10100
Desc:In person meeting required
B-T-----9:30A-11:20AJolley / 111 AsinugoDefault - none10100
Desc:In person meeting required
C-T-----12:00P-1:50PJolley / 111 AsinugoDefault - none10100
Desc:In person meeting required
D-T-----2:00P-3:50PJolley / 111 AsinugoDefault - none1080
Desc:In person meeting required
E--W----12:00P-1:50PJolley / 111 AsinugoDefault - none1090
Desc:In person meeting required
F--W----2:00P-3:50PJolley / 111 AsinugoDefault - none10100
Desc:In person meeting required