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MECHANICAL ENGINEERING & MATERIALS SCIENCE (E37)  (Dept. Info)Engineering and Applied Science  (Policies)FL2016

E37 MEMS 202Computer-Aided Design3.0 Units
SecDays       TimeBuilding / RoomInstructorFinal ExamSeatsEnrollWaits
01-T-R---10:00A-12:00PJolley / 2 WoodhamsSee instructor0180
Desc:Priority will be given to freshmen students in sections 1-3; however, any student can be placed on the waitlist for this section. Section 4 is open to all students. Dual degree students will have priority in section 5.
02-T-R---1:00P-3:00PJolley / 2 WoodhamsSee instructor0180
Desc:Priority will be given to freshmen students in sections 1-3; however, any student can be placed on the waitlist for this section. Section 4 is open to all students. Dual degree students will have priority in section 5.
03-T-R---3:00P-5:00PJolley / 2 WoodhamsSee instructor0180
Desc:Priority will be given to freshmen students in sections 1-3; however, any student can be placed on the waitlist for this section. Section 4 is open to all students. Dual degree students will have priority in section 5.
04M-W----12:00P-2:00PJolley / 2 WoodhamsSee instructor18180
05M-W----2:30P-4:30PJolley / 2 WoodhamsSee instructor0170
Desc:Priority will be given to freshmen students in sections 1-3; however, any student can be placed on the waitlist for this section. Section 4 is open to all students. Dual degree students will have priority in section 5.

E37 MEMS 400Independent StudyVar. Units (max = 6.0)
SecDays       TimeBuilding / RoomInstructorFinal ExamSeatsEnrollWaits
01TBATBA[TBA]Default - none000
03TBATBAAxelbaumDefault - none000
04TBATBASingamaneniDefault - none110
05TBATBABanerjeeDefault - none110
06TBATBAGouldDefault - none000
07TBATBAHakkinenDefault - none000
08TBATBAHarmonDefault - none000
09TBATBAAgarwalDefault - none000
10TBATBABaylyDefault - none110
11TBATBAFloresDefault - none110
12TBATBAJerinaDefault - none000
14TBATBAParisDefault - none000
15TBATBAPetersDefault - none000
16TBATBAHarkinsDefault - none000
17TBATBASastryDefault - none000
18TBATBAAvulaDefault - none000
19TBATBAThoroughmanDefault - none000
20TBATBALakeDefault - none110
21TBATBAPathakDefault - none000
22TBATBAJakielaDefault - none000
23TBATBAGeninDefault - none110
24TBATBABrandonDefault - none000
25TBATBAWagenseilDefault - none000
26TBATBATangDefault - none000
27TBATBASellersDefault - none000
28TBATBAOkamotoDefault - none110
29TBATBAMooreDefault - none000
30TBATBAElsonDefault - none000
31TBATBATangDefault - none000
32TBATBATangDefault - none000
33TBATBAWilliamsDefault - none000
34TBATBAMeachamDefault - none110

E37 MEMS 405Vibrations and Machine Elements Laboratory2.0 UnitsLab Required
SecDays       TimeBuilding / RoomInstructorFinal ExamSeatsEnrollWaits
01M------1:00P-2:00PLopata Hall / 101 Malast, Bayly, OnikoyiNo final72640
AM------2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 OnikoyiDefault - none440
B-T-----12:00P-2:00PJolley / 111 OnikoyiDefault - none440
C-T-----2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 OnikoyiDefault - none440
D--W----12:00P-2:00PJolley / 111 OnikoyiDefault - none440
E--W----2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 MalastDefault - none440
F---R---12:00P-2:00PJolley / 111 MalastDefault - none450
G---R---2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 MalastDefault - none440
EMBA-FLStart: 8/3/2016   End: 1/19/2017
H----F--12:00P-2:00PJolley / 111 OnikoyiDefault - none440
I----F--2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 OnikoyiDefault - none440
JM------2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 OnikoyiDefault - none440
K-T-----12:00P-2:00PJolley / 111 MalastDefault - none000
L-T-----2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 MalastDefault - none000
M--W----12:00P-2:00PJolley / 111 MalastDefault - none440
EMBA-FLStart: 8/3/2016   End: 1/19/2017
N--W----2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 MalastDefault - none440
O---R---12:00P-2:00PJolley / 111 MalastDefault - none440
P---R---2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 MalastDefault - none440
Q----F--12:00P-2:00PJolley / 111 OnikoyiDefault - none440
R----F--2:00P-4:00PJolley / 111 OnikoyiDefault - none430

E37 MEMS 411Mechanical Engineering Design Project3.0 UnitsLab Required
SecDays       TimeBuilding / RoomInstructorFinal ExamSeatsEnrollWaits
01M-W-F--10:00A-11:00ALopata Hall / 101 Malast, Jakiela, AsinugoNo final80650
AM------2:00P-4:00PJolley / 110 Malast, JakielaDefault - none16160
B-T-----12:00P-2:00PJolley / 110 Malast, JakielaDefault - none1660
C--W----12:00P-2:00PJolley / 110 Malast, JakielaDefault - none16150
D---R---12:00P-2:00PJolley / 110 Malast, JakielaDefault - none16120
E----F--12:00P-2:00PJolley / 110 Malast, JakielaDefault - none16160