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ART (CORE AND MAJOR STUDIO COURSES) (F10)  (Dept. Info)Art  (Policies)

F10 ART 438YProgramming Design3.0 Units
Description:In what unconscious ways do your design tools influence your work? Would your work look different if you made all of the tools used to create it? What will design look like when machine learning automates many design tasks? How will you adapt when your software changes? What does design look like when you are building systems to create outcomes? How do you design for different contexts at the same time from the same content? What would computer-aided design iteration look like? These are all questions that students may confront in their careers as designers. This course will explore these questions through in-class demos, solo and group projects, readings, and talks from practitioners in the field. The class will teach students the Python programming language, which will be used in the free DrawBot application for MacOS and with the PageBot code library to create design applications and tools. Students will learn how to think systematically about design, how to work in teams, rapid iteration using the computer, sketching, the design of software applications, how to translate digital experiences to analog (and vice versa), and how to learn from failure. The course assumes no prior experience with programming and no knowledge of Python. Open to junior and senior students, with preference given to communication design majors and minors. This course is experimental and team-driven. Students must be fundamentally curious and willing community participants who are capable of self-learning and tolerant of failure. Prerequisites: Word & Image 1, Typography 1, and Digital Studio.
Instruction Type:Hybrid Grade Options:CPA Fees:
Course Type:IdentSame As:F10 338YFrequency:None / History


A course may be either a “Home” course or an “Ident” course.

A “Home” course is a course that is created, maintained and “owned” by one academic department (aka the “Home” department). The “Home” department is primarily responsible for the decision making and logistical support for the course and instructor.

An “Ident” course is the exact same course as the “Home” (i.e. same instructor, same class time, etc), but is simply being offered to students through another department for purposes of registering under a different department and course number.

Students should, whenever possible, register for their courses under the department number toward which they intend to count the course. For example, an AFAS major should register for the course "Africa: Peoples and Cultures" under its Ident number, L90 306B, whereas an Anthropology major should register for the same course under its Home number, L48 306B.

Grade Options
C=Credit (letter grade)
S=Special Audit
Q=ME Q (Medical School)

Please note: not all grade options assigned to a course are available to all students, based on prime school and/or division. Please contact the student support services area in your school or program with questions.

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