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LAW SCHOOL (W74)  (Dept. Info)Law  (Policies)FL2024

W74 LAW 668KSemester In Practice Externship (Bannish)Var. Units (max = 12.0)
Description:Open to 3L and 2L J.D. students. This externship allows students to spend a semester working under the direction of an approved attorney-supervisor in a government, non-profit, or corporate in-house law office located outside the St. Louis area. This externship offers students a supervised professional experience in a different geographic area while also allowing them to focus on a field of practice that builds on classroom experiences. Through observation, participation, and reflection, students will improve their legal knowledge and professional skills, making possible a more rapid and successful transition to practice in their post-graduate careers. Students who are interested in this externship must complete an application, explaining how the placement fits into the student's overall educational program. Where a placement office has not been previously approved, proposing and obtaining approval of that office is part of the student's post-application obligation. Ultimately, the placement site also has to accept the student as an extern and agree to certain conditions. The School's approval process for a placement office includes a review of the nature of the work the student would perform and of the attorney who would be the student's field supervisor. The office must commit to the educational goals of the externship, to providing the student with relevant work assignments and on-going feedback, and to communicating throughout the placement with the faculty supervisor. In addition to the work commitment at the placement office, students are required to participate in meetings (usually via electronic means) with the faculty supervisor during the placement, to submit reflective journal entries, and to provide regular reports of their hours and activities. There is a mandatory pre-semester orientation. [Note: Students are prohibited from taking more than one clinic/externship/supervised practicum in the same semester. Students who are not in good standing (for either academic or disciplinary reasons) the semester prior to taking this course and the semester of this course, are not eligible to participate in the externship. The clinics/externships have a different drop deadline than other Law School courses. A student will not be allowed to drop any law clinic or externship without good cause and the instructor's permission.] This course is graded on a credit/no credit basis. 8 units working remotely; 12 units on-site or hybrid on-site/remote.
Attributes:LawCLN EXT, EXP, NLCU
Instruction Type:Internship/Practicum Grade Options:P Fees:
Course Type:HomeSame As:N/AFrequency:None / History


A course may be either a “Home” course or an “Ident” course.

A “Home” course is a course that is created, maintained and “owned” by one academic department (aka the “Home” department). The “Home” department is primarily responsible for the decision making and logistical support for the course and instructor.

An “Ident” course is the exact same course as the “Home” (i.e. same instructor, same class time, etc), but is simply being offered to students through another department for purposes of registering under a different department and course number.

Students should, whenever possible, register for their courses under the department number toward which they intend to count the course. For example, an AFAS major should register for the course "Africa: Peoples and Cultures" under its Ident number, L90 306B, whereas an Anthropology major should register for the same course under its Home number, L48 306B.

Grade Options
C=Credit (letter grade)
S=Special Audit
Q=ME Q (Medical School)

Please note: not all grade options assigned to a course are available to all students, based on prime school and/or division. Please contact the student support services area in your school or program with questions.