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LAW SCHOOL (W74)  (Dept. Info)Law  (Policies)FL2024

W74 LAW 553BInternational Law (Sadat)3.0 Units
Description:This course introduces students to both the substance and process of international law. It is an essential prerequisite to upper-level courses in international law and legal process and is required for members of Washington University's Jessup International Moot Court team. It provides a foundation for the student wishing to specialize in international or transnational law and serves as a wonderful introduction to international legal reasoning and materials for the non-specialist. The course serves as an introduction to the basic principles of public international law including treaty law, customary international law and U.S. foreign relations law, as well as the resolution of international disputes through international courts and tribunals including international arbitration and litigation. It covers the legal frameworks applicable to international issues, as well as taking up the question of international institutional design. It is also a fun, interesting, and very relevant course, covering international law issues that arise during the course of the semester, including inter-state disputes about the participation of particular Olympic athletes, the onset of war, or exploding space objects. Many years students participate in a simulation during the semester in which they will represent a UN member state and debate an international legal problem in the UN General Assembly. The final will be a three hour in-class open book exam. From time to time, but not more than twice in a semester, pass/fail, short, reaction papers will be assigned in relation either to films or presentations by guest speakers. The use of laptops and other electronic devices is not allowed in class without special permission from the instructor. Attendance and participation are required. [BCCCR Requirement: this course contains 5 or more hours of BCCCR instruction.] 3 units.
Instruction Type:Classroom instruction Grade Options:C Fees:
Course Type:HomeSame As:N/AFrequency:Annually / History


A course may be either a “Home” course or an “Ident” course.

A “Home” course is a course that is created, maintained and “owned” by one academic department (aka the “Home” department). The “Home” department is primarily responsible for the decision making and logistical support for the course and instructor.

An “Ident” course is the exact same course as the “Home” (i.e. same instructor, same class time, etc), but is simply being offered to students through another department for purposes of registering under a different department and course number.

Students should, whenever possible, register for their courses under the department number toward which they intend to count the course. For example, an AFAS major should register for the course "Africa: Peoples and Cultures" under its Ident number, L90 306B, whereas an Anthropology major should register for the same course under its Home number, L48 306B.

Grade Options
C=Credit (letter grade)
S=Special Audit
Q=ME Q (Medical School)

Please note: not all grade options assigned to a course are available to all students, based on prime school and/or division. Please contact the student support services area in your school or program with questions.