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ENGLISH LITERATURE (L14)  (Dept. Info)Arts & Sciences  (Policies)

L14 E Lit 508AA Planetary Avant-Garde: Experimental Literature Networks and the Legacies of Iberian Colonialism3.0 Units
Description:This Hispanic Studies graduate seminar focuses on the literary and artistic period known as the historical avant-garde (1909-1930) with a global, planetary perspective in relation to the legacies of Iberian colonialism across the world. As a historical event closely intertwined with the global expansion of Western colonialism, capitalism, and industrialization during the early twentieth century, the historical avant-garde constitutes a rich period during which various transnational connections are articulated, experienced, and imagined across the world beyond a merely European or Anglo-American framework as it relates to the impact of Iberian colonialism in different regions of the globe. While providing a theoretical introduction to avant-garde and global modernist studies, with archive of primary sources related to the field of Hispanic Studies, as well as Lusophone Studies, our course will study instances of experimental literature networks emerging during the historical avant-garde across Western Europe, East Asia, West Africa, and the Americas.The course format thus aims to combine the analysis of important critical and theoretical readings across these sub-fields, with the close reading of a series of primary readings central to global avant-garde. Through the examination of the work of authors like Almada Negreiros and Fernando Pessoa (Portugal), Tarsila do Amaral and Oswald de Andrade (Brazil), Vicente Huidobro (Chile), Jose García Villa and Angela Manalang Gloria (Philippines)-as well as theoretical readings by Laura Doyle, Gayatri Spivak, Marjorie Perloff, Peter Bürger, Dipesh Chakravarty, Bruno Latour, Caroline Levine, Benedict Anderson, and Tamar Herzog among others-this course will explore the interrelated aesthetic, linguistic, sociohistorical, and geopolitical dimensions of the emergence of a planetary avant-garde during the first three decades of the 20th century, as well as its various rearticulations in the 1960s and the contemporary period. Taught
Instruction Type:Classroom instruction Grade Options:CPA Fees:
Course Type:IdentSame As:L38 508Frequency:None / History


A course may be either a “Home” course or an “Ident” course.

A “Home” course is a course that is created, maintained and “owned” by one academic department (aka the “Home” department). The “Home” department is primarily responsible for the decision making and logistical support for the course and instructor.

An “Ident” course is the exact same course as the “Home” (i.e. same instructor, same class time, etc), but is simply being offered to students through another department for purposes of registering under a different department and course number.

Students should, whenever possible, register for their courses under the department number toward which they intend to count the course. For example, an AFAS major should register for the course "Africa: Peoples and Cultures" under its Ident number, L90 306B, whereas an Anthropology major should register for the same course under its Home number, L48 306B.

Grade Options
C=Credit (letter grade)
S=Special Audit
Q=ME Q (Medical School)

Please note: not all grade options assigned to a course are available to all students, based on prime school and/or division. Please contact the student support services area in your school or program with questions.

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